
Monthly Archives: June 2016


When we think of boosting testosterone levels, the image of a huge bodybuilder injecting steroids might come to mind. But everyone, men AND women, need be concerned with their testosterone levels.  After age 30, men with low testosterone levels are at high risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, impaired sexual function, and more. Testosterone levels in women start to decline in their 20’s and can increase body fat, slow metabolism, and reduce bone density and strength.

But fear not. We can naturally boost our levels of testosterone by, da da da daaaaa- exercise and nutrition. Shocking!


If you want to optimize natural testosterone production, make sure you have those 3 things incorporated in you daily diet. Here are some examples of fats you are looking for: avocados, olive and coconut oil, almonds, egg yolks, and animal fat.  Also supplement your diet with zinc and vitamin D, both of which have shown a very strong relationship with higher testosterone levels.


Exercise has a major influence on testosterone levels. Specifically, medium to high intensity weight training that incorporates compound movements (mutlijoint exercises like squats). Higher volume training programs have been found to have the greatest hormonal response (such as 3-5 sets). If you were to google “testosterone boosting workouts,” you would find something like; “After completing a dynamic warm up perform 3 sets of 10 bench press, kettlebell swings, v ups, and mountain climbers.” Look familiar? Luckily if you are working out with us, you are already engaging in workouts that will help boost your testosterone levels. Keep at it and don’t be afraid to lift heavy! Increased weight = increase testosterone production= high metabolism= low body fat….you get the idea.

Increasing your efforts in the gym, as well as eating a diet with fat supplemented with zinc and vitamin D, will naturally increase your production of testosterone. This means improved mood, sleep, libido, energy, and overall health. And who doesn’t want an increase in their quality of life?