
Celebrate National Nutrition Month- Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day

Official National Nutrition Month Website

Megan’s Grocery Shopping/ Eating Habits:

My motto as far as food goes is – eat when you’re hungry and indulge a little! Let’s be serious, life is too short to count every single calorie that goes into your mouth (not to mention that is close to impossible); but as long as you eat when you’re hungry, until you’re satisfied, and give in sometimes – you should have no problem keeping on track with your diet. I keep a food journal and knowing that I am going to have to write down everything I have eaten makes me second-guess those french fries or bowl of ice cream (word of advice- it only works if you are honest about what you are eating). I always make sure I have snacks with me so that I can eat when I get hungry that way I avoid overeating when I do get around food. When I grocery shop I tend to start in the produce section so I fill up my cart with lots of fruits and veggies first, that way when I get closer to the oreos and ice cream I already have a cart full of good food and am less likely to buy those things. I also make sure to buy plenty of lean proteins like chicken, turkey, and fish. I do eat breads and pasta but try to keep the servings small. Organic food is not a thing of mine, I don’t think it’s any different nor do I want to spend the money on it.

To sum it up- eating healthy is not rocket science! Food is not the enemy; it doesn’t kill you to have a few French fries or a dessert as long as you don’t go crazy. If you happen to slip up at a meal and eat badly just make it up at the next meal. Happy eating!