
Endurance Training Redefined

A new approach…

For years endurance training has been characterized by working at a low intensity for long and slow distances. This training does have benefits but are greatly outweighed by its setbacks:

–         Decreased muscle mass

–         Decreased power

–         Decreased speed

–         Decreased strength

–         Decreased anaerobic capacity

–         Decreased testosterone levels

Endurance athletes have to utilize the principles of strength and conditioning in order to perform at a higher level. The implementation of program that uses strength and conditioning model specific to endurance athletes will reverse the unfavorable adaptations listed above while still maintaining an increased cardio respiratory endurance. Adaptations that are accomplished through anaerobic training are similar to high volume endurance training.

The implementation of an aerobic strength program specific to endurance athletes will significantly decrease your training time while improving both your overall fitness and cardio respiratory performance (yes those are two very different things).

The exercises used in this program will be very different than those traditionally used. Common exercises that you will see when beginning this program:

            – Air squat                                           – Muscle-up

            – Pull-up                                              – Back extension

            – Push-up                                            – Sit-up

            – Dip                                                     – Jumps

            – Handstand push-up                        – Lunge

After one has mastered these core-body exercises there will be a transition into strength training:

            – Deadlifts                       – Clean and jerk

            – Cleans                          – Kettlebell swing

            – Presses                         – Snatch

The secret to this training is commitment and intensity. It may seem like the easy way out to train less and see better results but it is quite the opposite. This programs demands participants to give their highest level of intensity and with that comes commitment.

Contact Josh Haskins at 398.6442 for more information about this program