
Hot Stone Massage: The Ancient Relaxation Treatment

Hot stone massage has been used in therapeutics for thousands of years. History shows the Chinese using hot stones for treatment over 2,000 years ago. It wasn’t just the Chinese who used hot stone massage, many ancient societies all over the world used and still use hot stones to heal and treat ailments. So, what exactly is hot stone massage?

Hot stone massage is just what it sounds like, heated stones used in the massage process. These are smooth, flat stones made from basalt, which is a type of volcanic rock that retains heat. Imagine the wonderful feeling of massage and then add in the relaxing feeling of heat concentrated on the areas that are being massaged. Seems like it would feel pretty good right? People from the last 2,000 years would agree with you.

Hot stone massage allows for increased blood circulation. Don’t worry about the stones being too hot, your therapist can ensure that they are at a comfortable temperature for you. There are many benefits to hot stone massage which include but are not limited to: alleviation of muscle tension and pain, reduction of stress and anxiety, relieving symptoms of autoimmune diseases, promoting relaxation and sleep for insomniacs, decreasing pains associated with fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, and many more health conditions. All of these benefits are great for today’s fast-paced type of society.

Still not convinced? Then, try it out for yourself and schedule an appointment today to feel your tensions melt away!


-Thomas Pearce, Pinky Uttayaya-Andrews