
Thanksgiving Day Exercise Tips

Thanksgiving Day Exercise Tips

Turkey Day has arrived and with that means lots and lots and lots of food. There is no doubt that we all will take in a few more calories than normal, but that doesn’t mean all that hard work you’ve been doing at the gym should stop. By performing a good workout session the day before, the day of, and the day after, you can help reduce the impacts the meal has on your overall health and fitness.
You’ve probably been planning and planning for this upcoming dinner and now you’ve been up at sunrise prepping the infamous turkey and side dishes, as well as playing host/hostess, but now you have a small window of free time…what should you do (besides wanting to rest), squeeze in a quick 20-30 minute workout, run, or walk. Time is of the essence on Thanksgiving so here is a few ideas you can do:

First off keep it simple…

Workout #1 Repeat Sequence X 3
10 Long Jumps: Do a long jump forward and then two small jumps backwards.

10 Push Ups: Kneeling or Regular

15 Sumo Squats: Wide stance with feet slightly turned out as you squat.

15 Burpees: Squat down, place hands on floor and jump out into a plank position. Then jump feet back towards your hands, then pop up into standing position with a jump up to finish it.

20 Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back, bending your knees into your chest and hands behind head and crunch/twist your opposite elbow to your opposite knee while moving your legs as if you are pedaling a bike.

20 Mountain Climbers: Start off with regular, then opposite knee to elbow mtn. climbers, then mtn. climbers to the outside of the same elbow (change each round).

Sprints: Run fast and hard for 30 seconds then rest for 10, repeat X10

Workout #2
(Part 1-Rounds 5)
5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats
(Part 2-Rounds 5)
10 Burpees
20 Bench/Box Jumps or Chair Step Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Squats
50 Lunges

If trying to cram in that workout session before dinner seems too difficult, then plan on going for a walk right after. It will help with digestion and burn off some of the calories you just ate. Be sure to invite everyone, and make it a family event or even plan to get outside and just play with the kids for a while.
Bottom line do what you can when you can and just get back on track ASAP and enjoy Thanksgiving Day and we’ll see you soon here at the gym.
Happy Thanksgiving!