
What should I eat after a workout and why?

After you leave the gym you may think you have finished your kick-butt workout but do not forget that what you do right after factors in as well. In order to complete your workout the correct way you should first understand what happens to your body along with what you should eat in order to help recover quickly.

What happens to my body during my workout? Your body uses up all of the carbohydrates or glycogen stored in your muscle cells. Glycogen is your body’s go-to source of energy, which is why runners or cyclists may carb load before a race or long distance run. Your muscles are tearing and releasing lactic acid – that burning feeling everyone talks about. And lastly you are sweating like crazy you are getting dehydrated and depleting your electrolytes.

What do I eat after? Up to 30 minutes after your workout your body is still in an anabolic environment and should be fed mostly simple sugars and protein. When I say simple sugars I mean fast absorbing carbohydrates, this does not mean run out and grab a loaf of white bread, it means grab a piece of fruit or some yogurt. When it comes to protein I am talking about tuna, chicken, turkey, or fish – not recommended to have a steak dinner right after working out. It is also important to make sure to re-hydrate your body, think about having an ounce of water for every minute you workout (during your workout) and have the same after you are done.

A few ideas of post-workout snacks/meals:

1. Fruit and yogurt
2. Cereal (high in fiber, low in sugar and fat) with skim milk
3. Dried fruits and nuts (trail mix – minus the m&ms)
4. Turkey or tuna sandwich on whole-grain bread (skip the mayo, add lots of veggies)
5. Veggie omelette
6. Cottage cheese
7. Greek yogurt (50% more protein than regular yogurt)
8. Raisins
9. Apples and reduced-fat cheese stick
10. Grilled chicken and sweet potato

The quicker you begin rebuilding your muscles and replenishing your glycogen stores the better your next workout will be!